Sunday, December 4, 2016

Trumps "tax reform"

Principles for tax reform are black and white, congress should improve efficiency by levying lower rates on a broader base of income: minimum wage incentives, distort loopholes and deductions. A tax reform should legitimately be a reform that changes for the better economically. Trump has something that looks on paper as if a proposal that the rich pays much less, and the poor pays a lot more. During the campaign Trump's team put forward a plan to slash revenue at a estimated 620$ million every year. That is roughly 19% of fiscal 2015 receipts, over 10 years with no credit offset in form of spending cuts. The top 0.1% tax payers would experience an average tax cut of nearly 1.1 million. Sending out mixed signals I believe Trumps team needs to put out a more plausible plan on paper. A plan that reduces revenue by about 3.1 trillion$ over 10 years is more plausible fiscally responsible absent by spending cuts to federal programs, which the GOP also proposes, but harder to pass than tax cuts. Trumps team doesn't seem right now to have any specific idea for taxes, but when asked it seems that they either really don't know, or that isn't what is most important in what Trump plans to do in office.

1 comment:

  1. It is clear that a clear directive must be administered by Trump and his team to ensure trust rather than hesitatancy amongst firms.
