Sunday, September 25, 2016

How to Raise Trillions for Green Investments


We ain't talking about that broccoli bro. On a serious note, the world faces the problem of climate change. It does not discriminate towards one or more countries. It is an issue for all, and one that requires a collective effort amongst the world's government. It ain't cheap and it is a problem that needs to be addressed quickly. It's about creating environments of low carbon emissions. So how do governments tackle this predicament? The answer is simple— private financing. As a collective effort there is an abundance in global capital. In order to commit to this governments must create circumstances that "that encourage private investment in clean technologies and sustainable development." (1) Key tools governments can use is the selling of bonds, incentive programs, even legislation that addresses companies with high emissions of carbon. At the G20 meeting in Hangzhou, China the world governments agreed on a set of principles to address climate change. "Private firms in Mexico and India are financing private wind parks; multinational trust funds are supporting solar plants in India, South Africa and Morocco." (1) In order to amass private investments governments need to lower the price of low-carbon investments. They need to enact certain policies. "These policies include environmental regulations to stimulate clean, sustainable development; incentives and subsidies for clean energy investments; and the pricing of carbon emissions, which can be done in a variety of ways, including emissions trading and taxes." (1). China pioneers the movement as the rest of the world follows suit. What's important to note it is a feasible task, but also a task that must be achieved. When interest rates are low, investment rises which helps the government finance its green project.

NY Times "Green Investments"

1 comment:

  1. Encouraging private financing will allow investors to finance within their corporation and raise capitol stock. While helping capitol, and also saving money we as a whole will be allowed to tackle the problems with the environment for not just our generation but our grandchildren.
