Sunday, April 10, 2016

Obama asks for $1.8 billion in emergency Zika funding

Health officials are fearing that the several hundreds of confirmed cases of Zika in the US could drastically increase now that mosquito season is here. The White House will contribute $1.8 billion into the battle against the virus. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has put Zika on a level 1 status. The only other times there have been instances of Level 1 statuses was with Ebola, H1N1, and Hurricane Katrina. Obama is quoted saying, "The good news is this is not like Ebola. People don't die of Zika. A lot of people get it and don't even know that they have it."


  1. I feel like there is a new disease every year that the media uses fear tactics to cause a massive panic. At the end of the day, their job is to get viewers and if they make a big deal out of nothing they are getting paid more.

  2. Yeah I hear that, sometimes its hard to know when to take these things seriously. Its good, however, that we are hyper aware of things like this so they don't become something more serious. It will be interesting to see if the cases spike based off mosquito season. I am more worried about expecting mothers, and the impact Zika could have on new borns. I would especially focus my resources towards this population.
