Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Friends at Harvard Turn Rivals Over Ride-Hauling App in Asia

Friends at Harvard Turn Rivals Over Ride-Hauling App in Asia

Two entrepreneurs who were friends while attending Harvard Business School, both eagerly schemed
ideas together in hopes of creating a successful startup company. Upon graduating each had success in their pursuits, ultimately making each other rivals in the same business. Nadiem Makarim started the company Go-Jek. Which is an Uber like service except it provides motorcycle rides that can help customers get from point A to point B in densely populated areas of Asia. Anthony Tan started the company GrabTaxi, which is similar to Go-Jek but with cars. Each company has had tremendous success and it will be interesting to see how this may change our means of modern-day transportation. For the full article click below.

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1 comment:

  1. This is a very cool idea and could definitely become popular in countries where there is heavy traffic. I think it might be hard for Go-Jek to expand though into countries that do not have as much traffic. In areas where there is not as much traffic, consumers will just use Uber or a traditional taxi service
