Monday, March 14, 2016

Electric car industry grows more competitive

Despite being the opposite of the norm ever since they were introduced to the automobile industry, a revival of electric cars is beginning to occur with the help of Tesla Motors. With Tesla's original Model S base model initially being too pricey at $70,000, a more affordable Model 3 has been announced with a price of $35,000. Increasing demand and technology in electric cars combined with a decrease in price, Tesla and the automobile industry's future looks bright. With the help of more efficient and technologically advanced manufacturing methods, Tesla was able to create a cheaper model that is still efficient. The United States is now the world leading consumer of electric cars, holding 45 percent of global sales, which means electric cars are on their way to contributing to a large portion of the automobile industry.


  1. Although it is impressive that the United States is now the world leading consumer of electric cars, I think it is a bit of an overreach to say that they are on their way to contributing to a large portion of the industry. With many high mpg and low cost models such as the nissan versa and honda civic on the market I think it will be hard for these cars to continue to crack open the market. Coupled with the fact that gas prices are at their lowest in years I feel that companies such as Tesla will have a hard time switching consumers to their side and snatching much more market share in the near future. I do agree with the article however that increased federal support of electric cars and new technology will certainly help the industry. It will interesting to see what they will be able to do in the future.

  2. It is surprising to see how new energy and techniques function in the automobile industry and economy. Even though the supply of electronic cars still depends on the demand for them. When more and more consumers pursue cleaner energy and want to do some contribution to protect the environment, the automobile industry can gain more and more benefits from electronic cars. No wonder productivity is the permanent source of economic growth.

  3. While I agree with Will, Elon Musk has also released the patent for Tesla's electronic motor. So, while electric car may not dominate the market currently, this trend may be the emergence of the mainstream electric car that can take a sizeable share of the market.

  4. While I agree with Will, Elon Musk has also released the patent for Tesla's electronic motor. So, while electric car may not dominate the market currently, this trend may be the emergence of the mainstream electric car that can take a sizeable share of the market.

  5. I disagree with Tesla's decision to offer a $35,000 model. Although this may help the electric car industry, it may lead to people not thinking of Tesla as a luxury brand. I believe the auto industry as a whole is more important as a whole.
