Thursday, March 17, 2016

$81m hack in Bangladesh's central bank - Involves N.Y. Fed

Hackers managed to steal nearly $81 m from Bangladesh's central bank using a U.S. account in a massive cyber crime.

It's bizarre how a cyber theft of such massive scale got pulled off without notice, involving especially New York fed, Philippines and Bangladesh. What's even weirder is that this illegal transaction happened a month ago, but wasn't made public until recently.

Bangladesh government now plans to sue the Fed for failing to prevent the mishap.

Here's more information:


  1. very interesting article, I wonder if the officials will look into that no profit in Sri Lanka. Seems like something might be a little off there.

  2. You are right, it is a very weird situation, and I'm amazed why it is not making big global news yet.

  3. I am curious to why the Fed is being blamed for something involving a theft from the Bangladesh's central bank. I don't really see how that is grounds to sue off of.
