Sunday, February 7, 2016

What happens to a tiny town when Walmart disappears?

This article highlights some of the negative impacts felt by small communities after Walmart made the decision to close roughly 150 of their stores. The stores chosen to be taken down are mostly located in the southeastern section of the United States and serve mostly blue- collar workers. For instance, the article discusses the impact the closing of one of the branches in Kimball, West Virginia “ 'It’s like we’re a forgotten bunch of people,' said Matney, her long gray hair loosely clipped into a bun. 'It’s about all there was to look forward to. If we had to go any further, there ain’t no way'". The article brought up an interesting perspective to challenge the commonly held notion that Superstores like Walmart are detrimental to the local economies as it draws business away from the "ma and pa" stores

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting topic. When a business as big as Walmart decides to close a significant amount of its stores, many people are affected. While this specific instance has unfortunately left many people without jobs, it is important that businesses focus on what is best for the business itself rather than what is best for employees.
