Sunday, February 7, 2016

Is Chipotle a riskier place to eat? Hard to know

After having sickened more than 500 people across the nation, Chipotle is resorting to drastic measures this Monday as they plan to close all 1900 U.S. restaurants in order to meet with employees about the recent E. coli outbreaks. While it is not often that they deal with local matters, the Federal Public Health Investigators are getting involved since there have been multi-state outbreaks. As a result of these outbreaks occurring in early july, it was recorded that Chipotle's sales have decreased by about 36%.  The stock as a whole is also down about 2.3%. The previous practice from the health department was to not release the names of the restaurant to the public after an outbreak unless it is a common occurrence or danger to the public.  It has however since changed to outbreaks being reported with the name of the restaurant being included every time. Chipotle's outbreaks were not the reason for this change, but it has definitely effected their reputation more than it would have.  Overall, Chipotle has some rebuilding to do with there safety precautions and steps towards regaining the trust of the public.

1 comment:

  1. So did the article discuss what the causes of the outbreak were and how they would be addressed? Or is that still a vague topic?
