Monday, January 25, 2016

Why Europe has little to fear from global markets

This article mainly analysis global market's influences on European economy. With further and deeper development of economy globalization, the connection among countries becomes more closed. It's much easier for countries to be influenced by the changes of world markets. Even though many european stock markets had fallen by more than 10% in around three weeks and 20% since last summer,  and there's worrying that the slide in world markets gonna derail the eurozone's fragile recovery, however, the global economic slowdown seems not work to Europe's economic advantages.

This is because of the uniqueness of European economy. As mentioned in the article, the not sharp but uniformed falls in European stock market reflect it's good post-crisis regulations. And also, little direct trade links with China protect Europe from the landing of Chinese economy. At the same time, European countries also take advantages in the falling of world oil price. These all show the point that even it is necessary and unavoidable for countries to get into the world market, it's still important to keep itself from over reliant to the international markets. Countries should keep their uniqueness and relative independence to decrease the affects of global economy slides.

Here's the link:

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