Sunday, January 24, 2016

Housing Economist See Job Gains Offsetting Stock-Market Pains

The U.S Housing Market has a number of different factors that would seem to have a negative effect on the market such as higher interest rates, lower oil prices, and unstable financial markets. However, economists are predicting that because of current labor markets in the U.S having higher employment rates as well as wages, in addition to an increase in the cost of renting compared to buying, the result should be sustained growth in the housing market this year. Although this is a general prediction, there are a few areas that might be more affected and not have such a strong housing market this year. Mainly, such areas that are very dependent on oil, such as North Dakota and Houston. 

Even though the stock market has not had a very stable year, the housing market should not be affected by this because when looking at the demand for homes, it is mostly affected by employment and the economy. Mortgage rates are also expected to remain low, which would also benefit the housing market.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy hearing any talk about pertaining to the stock market! However, it is a little strange that economists only predict an increase in renting and not buying; because wages and employment are high, one should consider that people might look for a long term investment in their living area and perhaps predict that buying will be greater than renting.
