Sunday, December 14, 2014

Electronic Drivers License?

         Recently the state of Iowa has been developing an application which will allow citizens to have a virtual driver's license on their electronic devices. Currently the security plans for the app are a pin number and a biometric identification to control who is able to access the app. Although hard copies of driver's licenses will still be valid, I wouldn't doubt that this will become very popular. The state seems to really be embracing this idea, and as the governor Terry Brandstadt said, "we are really moving forward on this."

         It's interesting that the app plans to use biometric identification, which can include any physiological identification such as fingerprint scanning. Many recent smart phones such as the two most popular, the galaxy and the iphone already have fingerprint scanners, so there wont need to be any extra changes to phones or add-ons purchased. Thus, the implementation of the app should be very cheap.

         Since people in the 21st century are so attached to their phones this app will be very appealing because if they forget their driver's license they will almost always have their phone. What else is appealing about this app is that it eliminates the need for specially made ID's that are expensive and also need to be renewed. Not only would this app eliminate the prices of purchasing driver's licenses and renewing hem but it would also eliminate all of the need for resources that go into them.

        It will be interesting to see if the state of Iowa charges for this app, since it is a privilege. On the other hand, they might make it free in order to reduce resource consumption and make showing identification easier. What will be nice about this app is people wont have to go to the DMV every time they want to get their license renewed, instead the app can automatically update it. I wouldn't be surprised if the state either charged download or renewal fees for this app in order to generate revenue.

       My one concern with this app is the ease of identity theft. Nobody really knows the size or power of the hackers in the U.S. but I wouldn't be surprised if they targeted this app because this is the identity theft opportunity of a lifetime for hackers.


  1. This is something that apps like Apple Pay will love to see. The only way for Apple Pay to take control of the money exchange market is to eliminate the wallet all together. If Americans don't need to have their ID on them because its on their phone, then they will be more willing to accept mobile payment methods in order to get rid of their wallet all together.

  2. As someone who constantly forgets their wallet this would be an awesome idea. Having this information readily available via phones would definitely be very convenient for this generation. However, I have concerns about the safety of one's identity using this. Phones are stolen/lost all the time and phone security measures are rather easy to circumvent. I feel like they would have to make some sort of added security to this for it to really catch mainstream popularity.

  3. Though I feel that this app will make it more convenient for everyone, I feel that though identity theft might be a problem that can be solved because biometric identification if made stronger then theft can be avoided.

  4. This sounds like a great concept but I wonder how much effect it will have on the users. Owing to recent hacks in the tech world, people have already started losing confidence on a lot of these new innovations and have become more cautious in the usage of these services. Security would be a big issue of course but if the officials can come up with services that would strengthen the 'firewall' of these apps and thereby take measures to ensure maximum confidentiality of the customer details, this app would help the customers, especially the younger and working generation, a whole lot.

  5. This is one of those things that is a cool and interesting concept, but in reality it wouldn't make much sense. Even though it seems safe to do this, all it would take is one hack and thousands of peoples private information would be released. This doesn't seem to be a cheaper alternative because a lot of development and up keep would be needed. The physical license will still be useful in the future.

  6. While it does seem that hefty safety measures would need to be taken, I believe that this is the type of innovative thinking that will eventually eliminate a physical wallet all together. I also believe that people would be willing to pay more for this convenience. As bad as it sounds, I'm much more likely to remember my phone than my driver's license.

  7. I believe that currently, the security measures to make this a completely safe option do not exist, but I believe our society will move towards this in the future. But having recently seen how Sony was hacked, I do not believe that this is a very safe option.

  8. While I do believe that this app would be a huge benefit, there is always the risk of hackers with anything over the internet. but I do really like the idea of how convenient this would be. If they could find a way to make the app hack proof then I say go for it. With our generation being so driven by technology it would benefit a lot of people.

  9. As I think about it more and more I honestly don;t like this idea. Not only will it be very hard to make hack proof, but it just is another example of how day to day things are becoming virtual. To me, having a wallet and a tangible I.D. and cold hard cash just seems right, and having everything on a screen that I hold in my pocket just seems wrong. I personally just don't like how everything is becoming so technology based.
