Thursday, December 11, 2014

Congress narrowly averts government shutdown

The House approved a $1.1 trillion spending bill that keeps the government open through September. This was passed at 9:57, narrowly averting a government shutdown that was slated to take effect at midnight.

The vote capped a day of drama in the House. The chamber recessed for nearly seven hours as leaders scrambled to find votes to move the bill across the finish line. The chaos was fitting for a Congress that has already gone through one government shutdown and has been generally characterized by turmoil and inertia.

Since government spending is such an important part of our countries output it is critical that the government avoid another shutdown. Last year, when the shutdown occurred, hundreds of thousands of peoples lives were shaken up as government agencies stopped working. It is definitely good that these politicians were able to actually get something done for once and get this passed.

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