Saturday, December 13, 2014

Obama's economy

During president Obamas presidency many opponents of his policies have claimed Obama has hurt the economy even more than when he took office. Supporters claimed it was not his fault because he took office at the beginning of the worst economic down turn since the great depression. This article just looked at the facts since Obama took office.  The opponents have claimed unemployment has shrunk due to many people leaving labor force, not people getting more jobs. While some people have left the labor force, there have not been enough people leaving the labor force to bring it down to its current level. This past year was actually the best year for hiring since 1999. Opponent’s also claimed Obama’s economic plans are too slow. While it has taken the economy a while to recover, it is important to note Regan experienced two recessions during his presidency. It’s important to just look at the facts when evaluating Obama’s presidency because many politicians are misreporting economic facts and giving the public a bad idea of how the economy is doing.


  1. I don't think we'll be able to see Obama's effects on the economy for a few more years. When he entered, we were in the midst of the worst economic climate since the Great Depression. If McCain had taken office, his policies would have been criticized just as much as Obama's because there are always different ways to view a situation. Like past presidents who have encountered trouble, we cannot truly know the effects of current policy until we see how those policies effect the future years and generations.

  2. These improvements won’t happen over night and it will take time before we see any effects on the economy. Obama was faced with the largest economic downturn since the great depression and that isn’t a small task to tackle. People may criticize him but we won’t be able to see the full effects of his policies for a couple of years.

  3. This has been a common story for every president since the party system became super popular. Political opponents will always bad-mouth the current president in hopes of getting their party elected next term. Therefore, it is important to look at facts rather than get caught up in political BS

  4. I dont believe Obama has done a terrible job since coming into office. It will take time for the policies to take effect and we will be able to see the effects more in the future. Right now judgements are to early to make.

  5. It is not much of a surprise that politicians have been misrepresenting the economic situation to gain a political advantage. Obama inherited an economy with a lot of problems, and he has done a relatively good job of helping it recover.

  6. Arguments can be made for whether Obama's plans were "too slow." As we discussed in class, although we can take guesses at what might have happened with different policy or even no policy at all, it is impossible to tell what would have happened to our economy with different action.
