Monday, November 10, 2014

Will a Higher Minimum Wage Really Reduce Income Inequality?

Raising the federal minimum wage has been a high priority for President Obama. In so doing, Obama believes the increase will be good for both the economy as well as for families. The article above attempts to answer the real question behind the issue, whether or not the change will reduce income inequality. Proponents of the increase argue that the change may bring lower-wage workers over the poverty line. They also claim it will help restore the value of the minimum wage, which has not kept pace with inflation. Most experts believe it will reduce inequality but will not have a huge impact.
The article examines how much of an impact the increase will have and who exactly it will affect. To illustrate the impact, the author has the reader consider the 5-figure paycheck of a janitor versus the 8-figure salary of a CEO. Elevating the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 would simply fail to narrow this gap. Additionally, there is a huge gap between those making 6-figures and billionaires. So, too, a change in the minimum wage would do nothing to narrow this chasm. Moreover, there is a gap between low-wage and middle-wage workers. This is the target where many say progress would be made.
Ultimately, increasing the minimum wage will not alter some of the root causes of income equality. I believe that focusing on globalization, technology and the U.S education system are better options than raising the minimum wage. 


  1. In my opinion raising the minimum wage will help create more job opportunities via decreasing the rate of unemployment and would encourage workers thus making the number of discouraged workers decrease.

  2. I agree, once the minimum wage increases, standard of living will also increase because now a paycheck will be able to cover most costs. Also people will be motivated to work meaning output will also increase, all things being equal. In my opinion its better to invest locally in something that would reap more benefits before involving in internation activities.

  3. Increasing the minimum wage can help the economy in several ways. For one, minimum wage workers will have a marginally higher standard of living. Depending on their marginal propensity to consume, there will be more economic activity. This can help create jobs over time in economy. I agree that the income inequality will not be greatly affected. Comparing billionaires and those who make the minimum wage is unfair as there will never be a minimum wage high enough to do so.

  4. Although raising minimum wage will not really change the wage gap and decrease inequality, it is a step towards it, and as long as it benefits lower wage workers and could possibly put them above the poverty line, then I say they should increase wages. However, I wonder if increasing wages would lower the number of workers that are employed and leaves more unemployed, which is usually the worry over increasing wages.
