Sunday, November 9, 2014

Diamond engagement rings are so over

Nowadays, there is a new trend among brides to choose non-traditional engagement rings over the standard white diamond ring, such as colored diamonds, gemstones and bands.

There are a few reasons behind this trend. First, it's about lifestyle. People want something that is unique to them. They want something that doesn't fit the norm and everyone else has. Also rings without an elevated diamond are more comfortable to wear and fit in well with today's active and conservative lifestyle, instead of a flashy one.

The price is also a big factor. For example an alternative sapphire engagement ring costs about half of a comparable diamond. Getting alternates also reduces risks of buying fake diamond.

However, there are opposite ideas, like diamond rings are much more durable and classic. Also, an engagement ring is not the place to make a fashion statement.


  1. I agree that people want something unique to them, but also must factor that diamond prices are going up and women would rather had a good size sapphire or emerald than a small diamond. Therefore the size of the rock must be contributed into the equation of want women want for engagement ring and what the man can afford.

  2. This is interesting. While I understand that people on a budget might choose this option, I don't see it becoming a trend. Bride's need to keep praying that the price of gold continues to fall so they can afford the upgrade from sapphire to diamond.
