Sunday, September 21, 2014

U.S. Poverty Rate is Declining

      Being an American Citizen trying to bounce back after the recession has been difficult and not much positive news has been presented to them until now.  The poverty rate in the United States is finally showing signs of decline.  Although it hasn’t been a major decline, even the slightest decrease is a step in a positive direction.  The rate is now at 14.5% which is .5% down from the previous year.  This has been the first significant drop since it was 12.3% in 2006.  This drop is due to people beginning to find full time jobs and being able to earn a higher income to support themselves and their families.  This is a positive sign but the number of Americans still living under the poverty line is at a staggering 45.3 million.  We can only hope that this number continues to decline and American citizens can find full time work and pull themselves above the poverty line.



  2. The unemployment rate is something that is very important for college students soon to be in the job market. This should keep declining in our current expansion, but as we know, the economy is unpredictable. I hope to see continuing decline in the unemployment so that the job market is in a good place when we attempt to enter the workforce.

  3. It is an interesting and somewhat disturbing fact that the poverty rate in the United States is so much higher than the unemployment rate. Does this say something about the quality of jobs that exist in this country, and that people are getting? Or are a large number of people living in poverty, but not part of the labor force? It is surely a combination of these as well as other factors, but whatever the reason, this is a sobering statistic.

  4. As college students about to step into the workplace, the decline in the unemployment rate is exciting, however small it may be. If this trend continues steadily, those of us entering the workplace in a few years will be able to find more accessible work that allows us to reach our potential. However, the decline won't be enough to secure our spots. We need to focus on creating jobs and widening the market so that our generation, as well as the next, will be able to support ourselves and our families in a fulfilling way.

  5. Any step towards a decrease in unemployment is a victory, no matter how small it may be. The fact that people are starting to find full-time jobs is a good sign, and it gives hope to others in the labor force. However, we need to create new jobs in order to reduce the amount of people in poverty.
