Thursday, September 4, 2014

Job Corps is Giving Underprivileged Youths Hope For Work


50 years ago, a program named Job Corps was initiated, and since then it has become one of the largest job training program sin the country. It specifically targets youths who are either underprivileged, are low-income, old foster children or those who the education system couldn’t help. The labor secretary of the program, Thomas Perez, was interviewed to answer questions about the program, and it became clear how helpful this program is. 
There are over 125 centers for Job Corps nationally, and for some people involved in the program, they live there. The program runs very rigorous training for skills that are needed for jobs, but also the vital skills that are needed in life, since the majority of those in the program have had tough lives. The students are trained in mechanical and computer skills, and any other skills that can help them thrive in today’s economy.

The success rate for Job Corps has been very high, where at least 80% of the graduates find themselves employed, in the military or pursuing a higher education.  In such a competitive economy like the one we have today, this program can change a lot of lives for the better.


  1. I think this is an excellent program. Considering the success rate for Job Corps, I think we should consider spending more money on programs like this, especially in major cities. I think such programs help provide an equal opportunity for success in the job market for those who may have lacked such opportunity because of environmental factors. I could also see a program like this being implemented in growing Third World countries.

  2. I also think that the Job Corps is a great program for underprivileged individuals. It's a good way to give these individuals an opportunity to succeed and contribute to a better economy. I hope to see growth in this program, as I feel that it could be extremely beneficial in boosting the economy and lowering the unemployment rate by providing these people with the necessary skills to pursue either work or higher education.

  3. Everyone deserves a chance at success and this program is a great way to give people an opportunity to better themselves and help strengthen our economy in the process. I hope this program continues to grow and positively contribute to peoples lives and our economy.

  4. Is this program only valid for U.S citizens or is it open to other nationalities too?

  5. I agree that this is a great program that should continue to grow. However, I feel as though we should focus on these underprivileged individuals at an earlier stage. Instead of helping them on the back end of their education by supplying vocational school, we should invest in their education at an earlier age. That way, they truly are given equal opportunity to pursue higher education and better jobs.
