Sunday, April 20, 2014

The empire crumbling

People have always concerned of Apple's future after the demise of Steve Jobs, who had brought an innovation and great success to the company as a CEO. They are declining slowly, just because of the death of the "greatest" CEO who reigned and brought the rain. They did not even have the time to prove they can still prevail without Jobs, but with great, new ideas. In addition to that, the competition with Samsung, Google, etc. are still a threat since they are advancing rapidly in various technologies. Apple also had to face the revelation of the terrible working conditions in parts of Asia, where they have factories (or factories of companies that supply equipments to Apple). It is still not sure that Apple can actually regain its glory like before and the predictions of their future are rather grim.


  1. I think that Apple has a strong brand name and will continue to prosper. Apple has lots of markets and because of how well they differentiate their product, they continue to be one step ahead of their competitors.

  2. Im actually kind of curious, I realize it may not actually be a macroeconomic issue. But if you take the death of Steve Jobs into context, Apple may have considered a sort of supply shock. Steve Jobs, the macroeconomic shock to apple the same way 9 11 was to the american economy. Make sense?

  3. I think Apple will have a slow decline. The products that they currently have (and the name that they have as Bien mentioned) is very strong. Without Jobs leading them since his death, however, the company has seemed to not have as great of new innovations. For example, the smartwatch did not get produced by Apple before everyone else, like Samsung. With Jobs, I think Apple would have destroyed that market, but without him, Apple lacked in this department. Apple is still doing relatively well, they just aren't growing and sustaining as well without Jobs.

  4. I agree with Rick. Even though Apple has a strong brand image, if it does not innovate anything new then Apple won't remain strong enough.
    It needs to make the Apple standards and quality products to remain at its top position.

  5. Perhaps people are losing faith in Apple because they had too much faith in Jobs. While there is no doubt that he was a good executive, he was not the only one supporting the company. People should give the company a minute to get back on its feet and have faith in the remaining people, they have already done quite a bit to make Apple what it is today.

  6. I believe Apple is still a great tech firm. I love their products and will continue to use them because I believe they are better than the competitors. Although the death of Steve Jobs made people wonder what they will do in the future, they are certainly changing things up. Not to mention that they are still impressing Wall Street ( They continue to beat expectations set by analysis firms.
    Although they have had issues with their Foxconn factories in China and Brazil, I believe most people would be hard pressed to find a tech firm that has a "clean" bill of health in their factories. I don't believe their downfall will be anytime soon. However just as fast as they got big in the 80s, their downfall in the late 90s was pretty quick.

  7. The tech industry is very jumpy and a company can crash very quickly without new ideas. I think apple has a great brand name and many people are very loyal to them, but if they only keep updating the iphone a little and do not keep generating newer and better products, they could take a back seat to other companies that do have the newest and best products.
