Friday, April 25, 2014

Job Market for College Graduates Improves Slightly

The government has announced that the economy has been improving in the last several months resulting in more jobs opportunity for college graduate. Although job markets has improved, they are still challenges in finding jobs for those recently graduating from college. Many of the graduates are accepting jobs outside of their field and accepting less paying jobs. According to the article, “ The Labor Department said on Tuesday that the unemployment rate for 2013 college graduate-- defined as those ages 20-29 who earned a four-year or advanced degree-- was 10.9 percent. This was lowest from 13.3 percent in 2012 and has been the lowest since 2007 when it was 7.7 percent. The drop indicated economic growth and more people being hired.


  1. It is good to see this increase, but is it something that is truly positive? In the article it says, "Many are settling for jobs outside their fields of study or for less pay than they expected or hoped for." Even though it seems to be that college graduates are able to get jobs, are they truly getting their money's worth for all of the work they have put in for their degrees?

  2. This is good news, lets hope going forward that this continues to increase for our sake!

  3. This is great to hear, but the fact that its outside of most peoples field of study as well as for less money, it will still be difficult to pay of college loans with those lower starting wages making it difficult for the recent graduate as well.

  4. I am remaining positive. So far the numbers are looking good but graduates are still not being matched with the jobs they want. Once we get past the unemployment issue, we need to focus on finding jobs that actually match our skills.

  5. Always great to see some positivity about this situation! I think having a college degree in general sets you up to have a lower unemployment level, due to the versatility of skills. Interesting read!
