Thursday, February 27, 2014

Surprising Minimum Wage Jobs

Not all who earn minimum wage, or close to minimum wage are the uneducated, or retail and fast food industry jobs.  With growing pressure to increase minimum wage, CNNMoney comprises a list of other jobs who make low wages, similar to the minimum wage.  On this list: Regional Pilot, Adjunct Professors, Models, Home Health Aides, and Vet. Techs.  These are low earning jobs that require long hours and heavy training to perform them.  Occasional arguments against raising the minimum wage is that they are not "hard working" jobs, but what about these careers?  Raising the minimum wage could ultimately raise their wages as well.  Are these jobs also "undeserving" of a higher living wage?

Read this article here

1 comment:

  1. A more compelling argument for not raising minimum wage is that it might put some smaller companies out of business. It is sad that these hardworking people do not make as much as they perhaps deserve, but maybe they are just not in very high demand.
