Sunday, February 23, 2014

Health care to the states

We are now five months into the six-month roll out of Obamacare, and fewer than one quarter of americans believe the President’s health care law will actually improve their family’s health care.  Long wait times, inefficient systems, dysfunctional websites and fewer choices are some of the reason americans are suspect.  People want their states to have more control over their healthcare.  Having separate states control more will help with innovation, preventing fraud, and creating more choices.  The HCC is the group that is trying to bring more power to the states, but the HCC needs congressional approval to take affect in the member states.  96% of health care is provided and consumed in ones individual states so why not give the state the health care power.  DC doesn't think that the states have the interest in their citizens but people are starting to want decisions make closer to home.

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