Saturday, February 23, 2013

U.S. Trails Much of the World in Paid Family Leave

The United States often is counted as having fewer benefits than other countries in the world. It is no surprise then, that even when employed, US employees have fewer family leave benefits. This may keep workers more productive but may not make them happier and may contribute to an eventual higher level of employee job separation due to dissatisfaction of employees.


  1. There are two sides to every story. It can be said that a leave program can create a significant administrative burden on employers, increase costs, and minimize the ability of companies to expand hiring levels and create new jobs. However, some people have also said that the vast majority of employers found the leave program, which many companies have adopted, had a positive or neutral effect on productivity, profitability, turnover and worker morale.

  2. I completely agree with Priyanka but I think the difference in paid leave also shows the difference in inherent values. The U.S. policy seems to appeal more to individualistic values and freedom while other nations might have more family oriented values resulting in longer paid family leave. Personally, i like the longer version but then again i grew up in an extremely family oriented community and hence, my judgement and opinion is affected by that.
