Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Mobile Future

This article basically talks about how mobile devices will be the technological future of our world. While there are certainly truths to it and I think it is an interesting article, I personally don't agree that this is what the future will be. Having a single theme define technology trends is a bit like saying that Beethoven's symphony 9 is only about violins. They are a major element, but it takes an orchestra to make the music. Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, social networking apps, 3D printing...there are so many major tunes yet to hit off in a big way. This article is deaf to them. 


  1. Increasing in technology makes business more efficient, but it also adds to business men's work hours that are not on the books. Ever since smartphones have been in the market, people are working more hours at home or on the go, which takes away from their leisure time, which could be an issue if these people have a family.

  2. What Josh said makes a lot of sense, and seems true. After the blackberry, so many offices moved towards "on the go" and could take work wherever they went. Now with tablets and smartphones it is much easier for traveling business people to do work as they travel. Whether we want to think it or not, it seems that our world is turning towards technology to make everything easier and more productive.

  3. With the evolution of technology such as the smart phones and the tablets, the business world is getting more complex. The evolution of technology is taking away from our leisure time and we now have higher opportunity costs. This being relaxation over answering emails on your smart phone that is very accessible. Everything may be easier now and more productive with the advancements in technology, but this could also mean longer hours of work with this high rate of production and accessibility. The amount of available jobs in the work place are also growing slim with the evolution of technology as well.

  4. Mobile is the truth companies have to accept. 50% of internet access is predicted to be via mobile devices in the U.S. Individual expectations of the internet and what people can do on it will change fundamentally because of its impact. The fact that you are in business and not focused towards providing everything you do over mobile devices, you will not have a business in three years’ time.

  5. Technology has simplified the way we can do work. It facilitates everything we do and now it is becoming a bigger part of our lives whether it involves work based things or simply for miscellaneous uses. The smartphone industry has rapidly been growing and eventually small simple phones will not be in demand. Also, I know some families use their mobile devices so much they are cancelling their land-line phone services because they don't use them anymore. These are trends that will eventually lead to a more mobile future.
