Friday, January 25, 2013

Job Numbers in U.S. Might Not Be As Good As They Appear

The number of individuals filing for unemployment benefits this week hit a five-year low at just 330,000, causing many to become hopeful of an improving job market. Their bubble might be burst when they do their research and realize this number may not be completely accurate. It is always difficult for economists to get an accurate reading of the job market in January after the holiday season. A bigger issue is the fact that California has not reported their claims for the past two weeks. When the biggest workforce in the country is not reported and estimates are made instead, the numbers are going to be inaccurate. These hopeful individuals should be get too discouraged about the future of our job market though, since the unemployment rate is currently at 7.8%. This number might seem large to some but is a steep decrease from the recent rate of 10%. Forecasts see this number falling even more in 2013, possibly down to 7.4%, a slow but sure decrease in unemployment and improvement of the economy.

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