Saturday, January 26, 2013

Has Apple Peaked?

Recently Apple has taken big hits on the stock market and many are wondering will they rebound and has it hit its peak? Apple has created many innovating products through the life of the company and with its success in smartphones and tablets some people say it can not peak again. This article explores the ways that it could rebound and reasons that it could or could not make a very strong rebound.
One of the main reasons it points out is why it will never peak as high again. This is because of Steve Job's passing in 2011. His creativeness and inspiration to find new technologies went with his passing left the company looking for someone new to do the job and so far his successor Tim Cook hasn't proven himself yet. Another area this article focuses on is the competitors and how Apple is being challenged by many rivaling companies selling the same type of devices. It also states a few of Apples ideas to recover, such as expanding its markets to India and China. To do this though they will need to lower the price of its devices in order for it to sell the required amount for it to be worth it. Lastly, they plan to break into new markets such as the ITV, but again people believe that they can't beat out other companies in many of these markets. The over all conclusion of the question " Has Apple Peaked" in my opinion is, Yes. Has Apple Peaked?


  1. Apple has released a lot of groundbreaking, revolutionary products in the last 12 years. (The Ipod in 2001, the Iphone in 2007 and Ipad in 2010). It would be hard for their previous growth to be stable, but they aren't done growing, even if their stock is as a result of investors with unrealistic expectations.

  2. Even though their sales and stock might have gone done a little, I believe that Apple will be fine and growth will continue. This is monopolistic competition for Apple and times will be hard but their product is still the best and people will buy. Once they drop their prices and come out with newer and better products, people will target it rather than other companies products.

  3. I agree with the above statements since it seems that most people have a particular brand loyalty to Apple and continue to buy their products despite their high prices. Not only are their products of high quality and standard but also their services in the form of replacement and customer service are almost unrivaled given their help desks and many locations of apple stores across the country. Apple has been at the forefront of technology for the past 10 years and I believe that they will continue to grow despite this minor decline in stock value.

  4. I believe Apple has such a great name with such high quality products and will make a recovery. I don't know if their stock will ever get as high or if they will be as successful as they have been in the past years but a company as well of as they have been and as highly viewed, it is hard to say they will never recover from this current fall. Apple has surprised all of us many times and I bet they still have more up their sleeve even with the passing of Steve Jobs who is one of the greatest innovators we will see in our time.

    1. While I agree that Apple is a great, high quality name that time and time again has given us outstanding products, after the death of Steve Jobs it is hard to say how long they will keep it up. Apple no doubt is such a big name that they have some of the smartest most innovative people in the world working for them but it is safe to say Steve Jobs was in a league of his own. Apple has some big shoes to fill and with added pressure from Google beginning to bring some really hot products to market it is not going to be easy for them to do. I really like Apple and their innovative products but it will be very interesting to see what they can do to bounce back.

  5. Although the passing of Steve Jobs was definitely a blow to the creativity-side of the company, Apple definitely is not going away. The level of brand recognition associated with their products is incredible regardless of whether or not you even use them. The number of people using them on campus is astounding. Once this level of brand recognition is reached, consumers just seem to keep on coming back. A quick example of this in a slightly different industry would be the Call of Duty videogame series. Almost every iteration that gets pumped out each year is almost exactly the same and does nothing in terms of innovation, but it is time and time again a top selling item within the industry. Unless Apple makes a series of terrible business mistakes, I do not see them going away in the near future.

  6. I think they will have a steady ability to continue to make money. A lot of people are gearing up for the IPhone 5s, which means with just a slight change in the product people want to buy it. So it may not be as steady of an income flow as something like Exxon in the oil industry, but I believe with the changes or improvement to the product they are going to stay on top of their industry.

  7. Yes. I truly do agree that Tim Cook has a lot of work ahead of him. Nothing he has done has truly turned heads, just have Apple die-hards a new reason to spend money.

    For a while I was a bit of an Apple skeptic because I always felt Android had more to offer. Once I made the switch I knew I could never turn back; that was Jobs' doing. All Cook has done is made a smaller iPad and made the iPhone a littler bigger. That's upgrading not innovating.

  8. As many people have said previously, Apple's products are so associated with excellence in technology, that at this point, customers just seem to automatically return. For example, I have met many people, including many of my close friends, who have Apple products just because they "know they are the best." Many didn't do any research on different brands or companies, or computers in general and what may fit them better. They just bought because it was Appple. Apple has differentiated themselves so well that I think that they could survive, and maybe even come out on top of any market. I think the fact that they are expanding their horizons just means that they will become the new kings of other markets. I believe their brand name will take them farther than most people expect. Everyone who is considered an "Apple hog" will be dying to have an Apple TV. That, I predict, will be most of America. Also, Tim Cook should not be underestimated. There is a reason why he is in the position he is in, and the fact that he is at least upgrading, means that he is making progress even though he has big shoes to fill. In time we may be seeing great things. He obviously isn't another Steve Jobs (there will never be), but he has pushed the iPhone to new heights. Even though the article says the iPhone 5 did have bugs and wasn't what everyone expected, I know that everyone I know that has one is happy, and other than in this article, I've heard from everywhere else that it has been a success.
