Sunday, November 27, 2011


This is a nice article about how the NBA is now back. It talks about how the NBA affected a lot of people outside of the NBA. It talks about how all the parking attendants, concession stand workers and surrounding business are now going to be able to have their lives back. How local businesses are going to make more money than they have been. I think this is something that a lot of people don't think about. The NBA coming back means local economies will rebound and start to produce again. Especially with this coming around the holidays where people spend more anyway, it sure makes things easier on people. Now I'm ready to watch some basketball.


  1. I agree and I am very happy NBA is back.
    In terms of its benefits, the new CBA requires revenue sharing among teams as well as making it much harder for the richer teams to pay their way to better players.
    This greatly benefits the small market teams in competition as well as the surrounding economy.
    Better players and more money to spend mean more tickets sold and more people at the bar watching the games. This deal should help teams such as Cleveland, Charlotte, and Milwaukee, who generally have struggled to succeed against bigger teams in LA, Boston, and New York.

  2. I am happy to see the NBA back, however, I can not believe the greed of the players. Rich people wanting tp be more rich is the way I see it. It will be good for the city of Cleveland to get some revenue coming back in.

  3. Its so true though that the NBC locked out affect other people and business outside the NBA. This will defiantly help people earn some money and able to have their lives back. I'm glad the locked out is over.

  4. Let's just hope those people spend their holiday money with local businesses!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The end to the lockout is something that is definitely needed. Not only is the source of income for the players, but also as adiehl rightfully said, small businesses. These NBA games help to promote spending and income. People will be able to attend basketball games they have been dying to attend thus increasing the consumption in a time when this is slowly increasing and is needed to increase. Also, this will help lower unemployment by giving jobs back to concession stand workers and cleanup crews who were employed by the arenas.

  7. I'm not sure I agree with the "greediness" of players. They have very short careers and if it was left to the market, they'd actually be getting paid much more than what they are getting paid now. I think it is impossible to say which side is better, because this is a business negotiation where each side is trying to make more money. You can't blame either side for trying to advance their interests. I am just sad that it had to come at the expense of many NBA related workers, who did not have a job for almost two months.
    In the end, this was a battle of millionaires against Billionaires, and billionaires did win out for the most part.
