Sunday, October 9, 2011

Top Republican sees possible compromise on corporate taxes

This article focuses on Paul Ryan, leading Congressional Republican, and his current hopes and opinions for tax and economic reform in the coming months. He rejects Obama's job reform bill, especially with the added tax increases on millionaires, and believes that Obama's tactics in campaigning for this bill are too focused on reelection and not enough on actually improving unemployment. He proposes that they should try focusing on corporate tax reform, as this is a subject that both Obama and the Congressional Republicans could agree on. It seemed like this would consist of cutting corporate taxes, which would encourage job creation. Although the philosophy could be sound, I'm wary of the idea of cutting taxes at all. With a debt crisis and unemployment, I don't think Ryan gives good enough reason why using this job creation approach, which cuts taxes, would be better than Obama's, which raises taxes.

1 comment:

  1. Lowering the corporate tax rate will help but only if corporations see a need to expand and add more workers. Our money would be better spent in stimulating demand through well thought out stimulus projects.
