Saturday, October 15, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Movement: Half of Americans Know About it, Plurality Support it

Half of all Americans have heard of the Occupy Wall Street movement, and of the people who have heard of it, a plurality support its message, according to a poll released this week. According to the ORC International Caravan poll of 1,005 Americans, of the people who had heard of the Occupy Wall Street movement, 42 percent agreed with the overall message of the movement, 27 percent disagreed and 30 percent had no opinion. When the message of the movement was briefly described, 27 percent of all Americans -- including those who hadn't heard of the movement -- said they agreed with that message, 19 percent disagreed and 54 percent had no opinion.

It remains to be seen how public support levels will change as more people learn about it. It's possible that people who heard of the movement early on are more likely to agree with its aims, which could account for the plurality of support.

But for now, it's clear that the protesters' message is resonating with a large number of Americans.

1 comment:

  1. It's good that the protesters are getting support for their message from a number of American citizens. However, the message itself seems unclear to me. The protestors are calling for economic reform, but do not support on plan for reform or support any one party or politician. I think, as this article points out, the fact that some Democratic leaders support the movement, while most Republican leaders do not, is indicative of the party sway of the movements. However, Obama also had a lot of influence in current economic policy, so it seems unlikely that protestors are completely supportive of the democrats either. Without cohesive plans for the future, the protestors could begin to lose steam and support in the future.
