Sunday, October 2, 2011

New Military Chief Talks Economics

Gen. Martin E. Dempsey the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff expresses his concern about how the military is affecting the economy. This comes out through his act of returning to his alma mater to gain more knowledge on the subject of economics. Though not in control of the size of the military he sees where it is best for the economy for it to shrink so as to reduce national defense expense but also acknowledges the difficulties in reducing military size at this time. When do we expect to see a decrease in the military budget amidst this time of financial crisis?

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting to know that the General needs to go back to college and may be take an ECON 110.
    Economy power is one of the hard powers of a state, and I think it is definately the most important one. Other hard power such as military power, is actually based on the economy power of a state. A weak country could not support a unite and strong defense system.
    The economic recession in US will influence the military sooner or later(or already). People with lower income, higher price, and bad health care would complain about the huge spending on national defense, complain about the current war and army in Middle East.
