Monday, October 3, 2011

Car Sales Jumped in September

With this current economic situation surprisingly car sales of Chrysler, GM, and Ford roses last month in the States. This can be a good sign for unemployment rate in Detroit. Chrysler sales went up 27%, 20% for GM and 9% for Ford. The total of car sales in this industry in the highest since April.
This is the first month for factory and plants to run fully after the earthquake in March and the Tsunami in Japan which affected the producing capacity for Toyota and Honda.
The industry are recovering. Honda and Toyota starts to have their car back on stock. People are willing to buy bigger cars since gas prices are cheaper. This can be a good sign that people are spending more buying bigger things which might help with the economy. I wonder how long will this last but the car dealers are confident that this will be a long term thing.

1 comment:

  1. While this trend is definitely a positive for the US, I also question how long it is going to last. The article suggests that the surge in Chrysler, GM, and Ford's sales is due to low gas prices, people's aging cars, and because Toyota and Honda are having some issues. All three of those reasons sound temporary and could quickly come to an end. Hopefully the strong sales do continue, but we will have to wait and see.
