Sunday, September 11, 2011

FedEx Eyes Big Boeing, Airbus Orders

FedEx is one of the largest and most popular shipping companies in the world because of their speedy service and reliability. This popularity has increased the demand for their service so much that they need to upgrade their airplane supply. This article explains how FedEx is trying to cooperate with Boeing and Airbus to complete a multibillion dollar deal increasing FedEx's supply of airplanes by 50. The deal may be delayed because of the economic uncertainties and the uncertainties of the US postal service, one of FedEx's largest client.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's fascinating that FedEx, a public company, is actually in need of more capital, while the USPS, a government subsidized entity, is nearing a default.

    Seeing that FedEx's success is inevitably linked with USPS's, the proposed changes to the USPS (eliminating Saturday delivery, laying off 120,000 workers, closing down smaller postal locations) will need to be successful in order for FedEx to stay afloat as well.

  3. What is also interesting is the fact that the USPS is listed in this article as one of FedEx's biggest clients. Why is it necessary to have a government subsidized program hire a private corporation to do some of its work?

    Wouldn't it make more sense to have private corporations take over the mail? I mean, at this point, so little of what is being mailed is personal letters. Most of it is business.
