Friday, December 3, 2010

Scolding China Won’t Help

This article basically sums up my entire argument about how pressuring or trying to intimidate/force China will backfire. Jim Zimmerman was the head of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce - the biggest player in American business in China and is actually my dad's best friend. Their family has lived in Beijing for over ten years now so overall he is a very credible source.
He recommends giving Beijing credit for what it has accomplished even if it is not up to American standards. He stresses that China has and will only respond to conversations not lectures. Jim also reminds outsiders that they need to keep in mind that China has been historically very traditional and conservative - liberal ideas cant be forced on Beijing, they need to work slowly.


  1. China has definitely become more liberal this last two decades and it will continue toward this path. Even though there is a long way ahead I believe that very soon China will be as liberal as the Western Powers.

  2. Another question is not only whether or not questioning China will work but also whether or not we can afford to question China. At some point, as George Washington proposed, we should turn a blind eye to our economic allies' politics.
