Monday, September 13, 2010

Regulators Back New Bank Rules to Avert Crises

Some of the world's top bank regulators met in Switzerland to discuss new potential banking regulations intended to make the global banking industry safer in addition to protecting nation's economies from disasters in the future.

The proposed set of rules will be presented to officials in nations across the globe with a deadline of January 1st, 2013 to begin phasing in the new rules simply known as Basel III. The group of rules seeks to almost triple the amount of capital that banks must hold in reserve, an effort to move banks toward more conservative positions and force them to maintain a larger degree of protection against potential incidents that might arise.

Personally I view this as a strong progressive move in the right direction because it was due to America's banks not holding enough reserves in the first place that forced the government to release bailout funds in the first place. What are others' thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I think it's a good idea to put more money in reserve. However, does that discourage investment in some way? Does interest rate drop as a result of lack in investment? How does that help the economy?
