Friday, September 17, 2010

The Black-White Pay Gap

The median income last year was $49,777, which is a decrease in .7% from 2008 which was $50,112. This is the lowest it has been since the 1970s. The number of hours worked along with the hourly pay of the individual is what contributes to the households income. He says that the unemployment rate gap between blacks and whites has increased over the past three years, and they are more less likely to have 2 adult workers per household than white households. However, the gap of in hourly wages has decreased. Blacks made 59.8% as much as the medium non - Hispanic households and and in 1975 it was 59.6%.


  1. The article also addresses how the statistics could be misleading considering that the gap may really only effect the top wage earners who are disproportionately white. The wage inequality may be overstated by an outlier group of very wealthy white individuals.

  2. Even considering that a disproportionate portion of top wage earners are wealthy white people, I interpret the inequalities presented in this article as indications that the United States does not have the level of "equality of opportunity" that most people assume it does.
