Friday, April 9, 2010

72 and still working. How to retire?

This article is about Doris Partridge, a 72 year old woman who is still working. I chose this article because it is interesting to hear different peoples stories in this time of crisis. Partridge thought she would have been retired by now, but with the troubled economy, she doesn't think it would be wise to leave.


  1. First, are we sure that she is really 72? It looks like she is in her 50's and yes that is meant to be a compliment. Secondly, I believe that this article isn't really related to the hard times, but more about personal preference. In the article, she stated that she would want to travel and pay off her $45,000, but she still has $480,000 saved in the bank. Thus this article is more about the lack of consumer confidence and people still want to save in order to be safe.

  2. This is something that really isn't uncommon these days. People are working longer into their lives, especially since the recession and the damage to people's 401(k). It will be interesting to see if this trend continues for our generation, with the possibility of limited Social Security funding....
