Thursday, January 21, 2010

Obama sees 'much better' US economy this year

President Obama says that despite the bad year we just went through he has good expectations for 2010. He expects our economy to see around 2.8 percent growth after the 2.5 percent decline we had last year. He also mentions that he knows people are frustrated and angry with the current state of our economy but he is urging people to keep their heads up. after facing 10 percent unemployment the presidents popularity has gone down, but he says that the unemployment situation and economic growth are his top two priorities this year. Obama says that 2009 was a bad year but consumer confidence is up and i think we can expect that to help our economy grow a little bit.

1 comment:

  1. Self fulfilling prophecies as a tool is often used by the government and the FED. If they tell the US public that things are looking up, they will believe it and go out and contribute to the economy, actually strengthening it. Same with talk about raising the interest rates.
