Thursday, January 21, 2010

High court ruling a game-changer for campaign spending

This article is extremely important article to note in the game of politics and the way capitalism will dominate another stage of our lives. Basically the article mentions that business's no longer have restrictions on the amount campaign contributions they can give to any candidate running.

In deeper analysis, this lets capitalism effect more of politics now more than ever. These business will have deep influence over any politician that will decide monetary policy in the United States.
For example, AIG and the like can now use their taxpayer-funded loans to finance campaigns for politicians who will vote to de-regulate them and forgive said loans. Needless to say, I thought this article is important enough to be discussed. Any thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. If anything I think that businesses should have -more- regulation on their campaign contributions. The democratic processes in this country (which currently aren't very democratic) should not be shaped by money.
