Friday, April 28, 2023

Greenwood expects to see boost in business from 2023 Masters Tournament

 “Greenwood usually sees around a million-dollar economic impact between the lodging and the hospitality and the restaurants, so we always enjoy having visitors here this week, and we appreciate all the support they provide for our community," 

I find it very interesting that an outside states economy and this specific city, Greenwood is able to benefit from a neighboring tournament. Obviously the masters is one of the biggest events every year in sports. Although for a city one million dollars isn't life changing for a place, you can't complain.

I'd be curious to see if any other neighboring places or if there are any other places that are passed through that help bump the economy. I know specifically for Augusta "An estimated 200,000 people will travel to Augusta and provide $120 million to the local economy" according to Substack. 


  1. This is very interesting. Do you think, given the economic boost that large sporting events bring to a city, that it should be considered to bring said events to struggling cities rather than keeping them in ones that are already thriving? How would it affect the event if they did do this?

  2. This reminds me of how certain cities who win championships each year have an boost to their economy as well. Although the Masters tournament is at the same place each year like Gabi said, it would be interesting to host these events in cities that need it.
