Saturday, March 26, 2022

The Potential Threat of Cyber Weapons

     With the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continuing, things have only become worse.  President Biden has warned United States citizens and companies of a threat of cyber-warfare.  This is potentially very scary, and we see Russia already using cyber weapons against Ukraine.  Although Ukraine seems to be holding up against these cyber attacks relatively well, it is hard to say how many more cyber weapons that Russia could have in their arsenal.  Additionally, Russia has threatened other countries including the U.S. that their nuclear program is on high alert.

    This situation is slowly getting more and more out of hand.  Even a large scale cyber attack targeted at Ukraine could have a significant impact on other countries like the U.S. due to the complicated world economy of using goods and services from other countries.  Possible implications of being hit by a large scale cyber attack could include mass power outages, silenced communication, and much more.  Everyone should be aware of what is going on in Ukraine, so I would suggest giving this article a read.


  1. I read this article while writing a paper for a PG I am taking this semester, it is actually really scary to see how far Russia have gone and how much further will they with their inhumane activities. This war will will have adverse effect on many countries and will crumble small economies.

  2. This is a very scary development for the future of the world at large. Do you think Russia will hold true to the more serious threats involving nuclear weapons?

  3. Ukraine has been through enough with its war with Russia. The consequences of cyber weapons like mass power outages would make it worse. States like Massachusetts announced they stand with Ukraine and will provide them with the resources to help build them back up.

  4. This is very scary and it is sad to see that cyber weapons can be taken so far. These tactics are cruel and have the possibility to cause a lot of harm to all countries, but especially ones that do not have the resources to have strong cyber security.
