Sunday, November 15, 2020

Lockdown Part 2

 With the rising number of COVID cases, many states and business have a lot to consider. The state of Washington is establishing some new rules in an attempt to limit the number of virus cases. The are reducing the amount of people allowed in indoor facilities to 25% of their normal capacity. The less people there are in one place, the lower the chances are of getting the virus. Washington is also prohibiting the gathering of multiple households, unless every member quarantines for 14 days and has a negative test result. Although this can not be enforced, it is being highly recommended for the safety of others. This may seem like a hassle, but it is necessary if we want things to return to a more "normal" state again anytime soon. At one point, Washington experienced a 72% increase in the number of cases from one week to the next, so the state officials feel as if these guidelines are their best line of action.


  1. I think when you have such drastic increases from one week to another it is important to implement and make changes because obviously something isn't working. However it is very hard to enforce policies on peoples personal lives unless they go to public places. I think a lot of states are considering another major lockdown and it will be interesting to see if Washington is one of them.

  2. I believe this lockdown would not have lasted so long, if there was an immediate enforcement of shutting down the country rather than waiting it out in order for the country to resume working. Yes, it would have affected the US's debt even worse but if we look at it now, the higher the cases, the higher the chances of death, therefore, lower the labor force available to work hence decreasing productivity.

  3. I agree with Wyatt that something obviously isn't working when cases are increasing that drastically. People are just getting tired of following the guidelines and I think we have reached the breaking point for the next lockdown because we have no other choice. It will be interesting to see what kind of restrictions and lockdowns will be put in place and when, especially with family thanksgivings coming up soon.
