Sunday, November 1, 2020

Lockdown Part 2: Fall and Winter Edition

 Coronavirus cases are surging across both the United States and Europe. France, Germany, and England have all announced that they will be implementing another lockdown. Other European countries also have some very strict regulations on what can be opened, and it it is open, the specific ways that they have to operate as to not spread the virus. While in the US, there has not been much in the way of lockdowns since earlier this year. With the surging numbers, due to people not wearing masks and the fact that people are migrating indoors due to cold weather, states have been debating on imposing new restrictions.

All this news about the virus and lockdowns have hurt the S&P 500, along with the DJI, with them seeing its largest weekly decline since March of this year.

These lockdowns across Europe, and the possible ones to come in the US will lead to economic decline. That is the trade-off we have to face, economic decline for the lives of thousands. With these lockdowns, the governments of these countries should step in to give relief to the people who are out of work, and the businesses who will be shut down that still need to pay their fixed costs. A big wave a businesses closing down, my go along way at hurting jobs and the economy for many years to come.

With all this government sending, someone one day, either sooner or later, will have to pay down the debt.

What do you think the right course of action is? What is the best way to balance the economy and the effects of the Coronavirus?

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