Thursday, December 5, 2019

Can Christmas Save the US Economy?

Due to the recent rise of uncertainty within the Us economy coming from factors such as the trade war, impending impeachment hearings, as well as the question of who will be in office in little over a year from now. With the holiday shopping season now here, many are relying on consumer spending to be the life ring of the US economy. However, many experts believe that relying on consumer spending as an underlying indicator of growth is not sustainable and can only carry the economy so far. What do you for-see happening in the coming months with the US economy? After the holiday season will consumption still be so strong?


  1. I believe that Christmas will boost consumption for the time being, but afterwards spending will fall back to reality.

  2. It's inevitable that consumer spending will increase around the holidays, but I wonder if these experts could be wrong and it could steer the economy towards the right path.

  3. I think that the Holiday season could potentially kickstart the economy in the right direction. Though I believe this will only happen if there is major boost in these coming month so the economy sees increases in growth that show immediately.
