Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Iran to Inject Uranium gas into 1044 Centrifuges in Defiance of the 2015 Nuclear Deal

AP Article

 In a fortified mountain facility, Iran will begin injecting Uranium gas into its Fordo site, Iran's State Department also declared that it would renew a waiver to allow Rosatom, a Russian state-run nuclear company, to continue conversion work at this facility. This will increase pressure on European nations that remain in this accord to let Iran sell crude oil abroad. If not, President Hassan Rouhani announced that Iran will pull out of the deal further in early January 2020. This mostly comes in response to France's failure to make good on its proposed $15 billion line of credit trade mechanism, but Rouhani said that Iran's breaches of the agreement could be reversed if Europe allows Iran to avoid U.S. sanctions on crude oil sales abroad. Seems fair to me! What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. As a trade agreement it seems like a reasonable deal, however, we need to realize that this is not a normal business transaction but a nuclear arms deal and should be treated as such. Owning nuclear weapons is a great responsibility and is a global issue and I think global intervention is needed to make sure this deal goes in a way that is fair and responsible.
