Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Super Wealthy Are Preparing For A Potential Recession by 2020

With the trade war and the stock market decreasing by the day, a recession may come soon than expected. This is causing fear within the affluent community. The super wealthy are embracing themselves for a potential recession in 2020, by making financial moves. Yun Li mentioned some of the super rich adjusting their investing portfolios in order to prepare for the recession. She said "45% are already adjusting their portfolios, including shifting to bonds and real estate, while 42% are increasing their cash reserves." The trade war may have great impact on both the U.S and China's economy. If the rich are preparing for an economy decline, then I advise the public to start planning on doing the same thing. If there's a recession next year, that would be the best time to start investing into the market.


  1. In my opinion the trade war may be a zero sum game, hopefully the policy makers can find a solution that benefits everyone.

  2. With the affluent community making changes in their portfolios, they may be the ones to cause some of the issues. One of the reasons the stock market crashed in the early 2000's is because stock holders panicked. With everyone trying to protect themselves from the impeding recession, they will most likely be the cause of that thing they're protecting themselves from to occur. Especially in this case, where those with money are repositioning their money holdings, it could cause the recession to come sooner rather than later.
