Friday, August 30, 2019

China and US Trade War

For the past twelve months and counting, the USA AND China, the two biggest economies in the world
have gone head to head, locking horns in a never seeming to end the trade war. 
The USA has imposed several tariffs on Chinese goods and the Chinese have in turn retaliated with
similar tariffs. These tariffs are put in place to increase the final price of goods to the consumer in
a bid to stop them from buying goods from these two economies. 
US President has accused the China government of unfair trade practices on numerous occasions
being his reason for imposing the tariffs on Chinese goods. He has also sought to pressure other
European countries to place similar tariffs on Chinese goods so as to stifle the Chinese economy.  
As a result of this, Chinese manufacturing and technology giant Huawei has been caught in the
crossfire with the American Government accusing them of using their technology to spy and steal
data from people who use products made by Huawei.


  1. The China-US Trade War will entail a new relationship with China. When do you think China will fight back to these tariffs and allocations? Do you think that European nations would follow the US or do you think they would turn against us? There are many outcomes to this conflict and all of them would yield a consequence on the powers involved, I just hope this economic feud does not lead to militaristic retaliation.

  2. I spent the last year abroad in China studying Chinese economics, and to say that this is an interesting time to be looking into economic relations between two of the world's largest economic powers would be an understatement. Beyond looking at just the economic relations between the two countries it has been interesting to see how the cultural dynamics and differences have been playing out, as there have definitely been cultural offenses done by both sides that have caused the trade war to be even more harsh than it would have been if it just came down to economics. In response to Diyonni's question about the European nations turning against us, I personally doubt they would do that, just based on the fear that if China isn't held in check by the United States, it is unlikely any other country will be able to control them, and therefore there would be unfortunate consequences for the EU.
