Monday, October 10, 2016

Russia's 'Slow Bleeding' Brain Drain

The Russian emigration may be considered small in terms of population, but the fact of the matter that in recent years there are more and more people leaving. People are leaving Russia due to political reasons and believe that Putin has fixed elections to remain in power and as a result President Putin is losing the trust of his people. The concern is that the individuals that are leaving Russia are the "most educated and successful." While the most recent wave of emigration began due to political reasons it has shifted more toward economic reasons such as better employment opportunities and to pursue higher education. In the long run a wave of immigration of the country's most successful people could start to effect the Russian economy.

1 comment:

  1. The question here is how can Russia dissuade this notion of emigration in the minds of its future leaders? Putin's power and the economy must be addressed in regards of its hindrance to its citizens. The people want opportunity to excel and pursue what they want in life, but the government's intervention has promoted many to leave in search of freedom without restrictions.
