Thursday, February 4, 2016

U.S. Economy Barely Grew Last Quarter, Stoking Concerns About Momentum in 2016

The American economy ended 2015 on a flat note, which has caused some concern looking ahead.  The slowdown of the economy was a result of low sales of durable goods, a weak trade picture caused by the stronger dollar and falling business investment, shrinking inventories.  Even with all the concerns, economists still expect the economy to rebound as the year goes on.  Economists on Wall Street predicted the drop in the economy, and others predicted no growth at all.  They believe that the slowdown could have been a lot worse. Although the American economy flattened out during the fourth quarter, 2015 was still a good year over all.  The economy grew 2.4%, which is identical to the growth in 2014, and a lot better than the 1.5% gain in 2013.  Nariman Behravesh, chief economist at IHS, believes that 2016 will be over better than years past.  He expects the economy to expand by a rate of 2.5% in the first half of 2016, with unemployment continuing to drop from 5% to 4.5%.  Behravesh stated, “There are definitely problem areas, but consumer spending, housing and the nonenergy parts of capital spending are still fairly solid.” 2015 ended on poor note, but was still over all a decent year and some economist forecast 2016 to be even better.


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