Saturday, February 20, 2016

Brenna Thumler recently published an article in The New York Times entitled; "The Rich Can Learn From The Poor About How To Be More Frugal". The idea, blatantly conveyed in it's title, persuaded readers that they are too frequently concerned with the percentage of savings rather than the actual dollar amounts. This was explained through an example from acclaimed behavioral economist, Daniel Kahneman. Most consumers, when he presented the situation, would choose to save a larger percentage from a purchase of lower dollar amount than the inverse situation. However, he did find that those of less wealth do frequently target their savings based on dollar amount rather than percent amount. My one question for this pertained to whether that is because they truly have acquired the cognitive ability of frugality or whether that is because they simply make continually smaller purchases relative to price? Regardless, this, if applied could lead to an increase in domestic saving and help the overall economy

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