Friday, January 22, 2016

Iran Expects Annual Foreign Investments of 50 Billion USD

Viliyana Strenford, chief editor at EBF News, illustrates the potential investment into Iran's economy as a result of the lifted sanctions that were originally placed on the country and its economy over ten years ago. Strenford writes that Iran could see "annual foreign investments of 50 billion USD in the country, which will be used for recovery of the economy and development. Yet some analysts warn that the opaque bureaucracy and lengthy political stigmas will force companies to enter more cautiously." Iran's oil revenues amount to roughly 34 billion USD and will "probably be used for the purchase of raw materials” said the Governor of Central Bank of Iran, Valiollah Seif.
It is also important to note that The prospect of increasing Iranian production of crude oil further suppress oil prices, which have fallen by about 75% since mid-2014. This will limit economic growth in Iran for the year, according to the Iranian calendar which ends this March. "According to the forecasts the growth of economy should be less than 3%, but expected to accelerate to 5-6% during the next Iranian year to March 2017."

1 comment:

  1. what so you think the ramifications of this could be on the global market?
