Monday, November 3, 2014

Narendra Modi Government Submits ‘Black Money’ List with over 600 Names to Top Indian Court

Source: International Business Times

            The newly elected Indian government has submitted a list of 600 names of individuals who have been invading taxes in India by using off shore tax haven countries. The government is taking a stronger stance on corruption after the previous congress seemed to let it flow more without control. The new government has accused the previous one of protecting these types of account holders and alleged that a number of senior congress members also have illegal funds stashed in off shore accounts. The listed names probe will be completed by the end of March 2015.
            One of the big negative aspects of doing business in India that was found during research for the India report was the high level of corruption. However, another article stated the new government was looking at ways to curb and increase stronger economic policies.  This shows some effort from the government to do so. As more cases like this appear it gives hope for the country of India to fix its high level of corruption.

1 comment:

  1. This is good for the future of India as a whole. The amount of corruption in India has really hindered their ability to advance their economic situation. With less corruption, perhaps more people will invest in India and their economy will grow at a larger rate.
